1. Glove Guard® Clip
    Glove Guard® Clip
    Category: Glove Clips
    Views: 12689
2. Handi Klip® Glove Clip
    Handi Klip® Glove Clip
    Category: Glove Clips
    Views: 7529
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Handi Klip® Glove Clip

Designed primarily for the firefighting industry, the new Handi Klip® glove clip uses a ball and socket joint that has a higher breakaway point and holds up to the brief flash temperatures of a fire. With its oversized jaws and interlocking teeth it will hold even the largest pair of gloves. Customize your Handi Klip® device with a Custom Imprint or with one of our nine Standard Safety Slogans. To use, simply clip the small end to your belt loop or directly to your clothing and attach your gloves to the large end.
Product Features
Available Colors:
  • Black
  • Blue
  • Fire Red
  • High Vis Pink
  • High Vis Yellow
  • Signal Green
Handi Klip® (HK) Device
HK Part # Color HK Part # Color
41000BK Black 43900PK High Vis Pink
42000BL Blue 44100HVYW High Vis Yellow
42100MD Metal Detectable 46200SGN Signal Green
43100FDR Fire Red

Additional information